Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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A Fatal Flaw in the Way Man Thinks

Here's what a man does. I see this all the time.

"I like the lady. I want the lady. I will send flowers to the lady in hopes to get her attention."

I romance the lady. I send flowers to the lady.

Then, I get the lady.

I marry the lady.

After I marry the lady, I stop doing all of the above.

"Flowers just die" and other dumb excuses.

Lady gets mad at the man.

Man instinctively sends flowers. Wants peace with the lady and subconsciously he remembers flowers won her over.

Here is the problem Mr. Man.

You now are only sending flowers, not even realizing what you are doing, from the negative perspective.

Before you were married, the flowers meant to her that you liked her, wanted her, would do anything for her.

After you are married, because you send flowers only when you are in trouble, you create an entirely different message.

Instead of thinking good thoughts, she becomes conditioned to the negative.

"Bastard" "What did he do now?" "What a jackass" are a few comments I have heard in delivery over the years. These are married men sending only when they want something from her. Purely selfish men.

Don't be that guy.

Send flowers randomly, like you did before, when you really wanted the lady. For no reason. Remind her that you love her and want her.

I have heard a few married men say "she doesn't like flowers".

No, moron, she doesn't like getting flowers every time you screw up (the only time you now send them).

She would much prefer to get them from you out of nowhere, because you love her.

Those women still love flowers...and in most instances, my guess would be they have a pretty good sex life.

Think on this today.

Change this trend if you are this guy.

Trust me, there are other men interested in her, and will send her flowers and tickle her heart. If you want to keep her from looking or paying attention, you best remember the way it was before she said yes to spending the rest of her life with you in a monogamous setting.

"Just sayin'" to quote my great friend S Odell.