A Tip from Rob

Drink more water.

You are likely not drinking enough water.

And I mean Water. Not flavored anything, simply water.

It always amazes me how many (most really ) people really do a horrible job consuming water.

I know you hear 64oz per day is the recommended daily dose.

I'll quote Levi's drill instructors at BMT when he was at Lackland going through basic a few years back.

"If you're not drinking a gallon per day...you're WRONG".

Then "Do pushups".

With that said, here's a few things to consider. Various things consumption of water may help you with.

~ You will lose the horrible breath you offend others with, that you think your gum chewing covers up, when in truth, the bile smell emanating from your stomach and mouth bacteria simply feeds off the concentrated spit you make, induced by gum chewing. (yes, your breath does stink if you don't drink enough water...it' just no one has the guts to approach that topic with you...so just don't be a close talker if you don't want to drink water)

~You will sweat more. Or at the very least, will get your body working in the way that is is designed. Sweating. You internal cooling system is defunct, because you don't have the water necessary to cool it. Similar to your vehicle cooling system, your body needs water to cool itself. This is partially why you feel like you want to die any time you do anything that heats up your core.

~You will urinate a LOT more. Sure, you can view it as a royal pain in the ass right now. BUT you should understand, the only way FAT and other Toxins are able to leave your body is through your urine(this is what I was told). When your body can begin to flush itself through urine, you will begin, with time to feel so much better because all the concentrated toxins floating around in there, become more and more diluted and moving out through your pee. (As a brief side, I know a lot of people when around me, secretly think about or talk about behind my back something along the lines of "boy Rob pees a LOT, I wonder if he has prostate problems, or some other issue". No, I just drink more water than almost anyone I know. You drink as much...you'll see. Long drives will become a feared event)

~Oh, and on the sweat. Your sweat will begin to stink less, because like with urine, your body secrets all the garbage in it through sweat. When sweat is diluted to it's proper levels, it will stink less. Of course, everyone is different. Some people just smell worse, no matter what, but this is a help. Think of it like this. Open a gallon of Ammonia and take a whiff. You almost pass out, right? Take a cup of Ammonia, put it in a 5 gallon pail full of water, take a whiff. Whole different experience, right? That's your sweat and water thing.

~You will become more "regular" in the #2 department. When your body has the right amount of water, it can evacuate the solid waste much more efficiently. If it doesn't have the right amount of water, you are basically crapping cement. Literally shitting a brick. I am not a doctor, but I can make an educated hypothesis that when your intestines are holding all that waste for extended periods of time, say a day or more (constipation), this could likely be a significant contributor to colon cancer. You are made to get rid of that "crap" daily. I know my dog goes 2 or 3 times per day...so it stands to reason...at least 1 a day for us humans.

~Your skin will thank you. For you ladies, you will look more vibrant and full and all that lady talk of nice lady things that you like to hear.

~Your blood will be in better shape

~Your eyes will sparkle more

~You will have a stronger immune system

~Your mucus will thin out significantly if you have allergies.


And these are just a few of the significant benefits of water consumption at the proper level.

I am not a doctor, these are just my experiences and the experiences of those who have followed my suggestion on this water consuming thing. I have seen miraculous changes in peoples health by simply incorporating water.

I recommend a water bottle that you carry everywhere, like my Chute. For fun, in another post, I will note to you all of the various places my water bottle and I have ventured to since 2017 (when I bought it). It helps to keep focused on the consumption. In fact, you will see it in a number of my Photography Channel videos on Youtube.

Ask my mother, Carole. She will tell you that every time I am up there, it's with me.

Water is God's Duct Tape for the body.


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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.


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