To Fly or Not To Fly

Well, we are coming into the end of the Covid-19 full on freak out. Well, as far as I am concerned we are. Naturally, there are going to be a LOT of people, still freaked out, scared to death, for years to come.

It’s sad to me, the fear man has of pain and/or death.

How very paralyzed the world has become as people look to Government to be their savior and messiah, as opposed to the God that saves. Christ alone… unless it’s a virus made out to sound like it will wipe out more than 1/2 the earth’s population. Then, it appears, it’s “Christ &”. Christ & The CDC, Christ & Dr. Fauci. Christ & Dr Birx. Christ & The World Health Organization. Oh, and let’s not forget, Christ & Bill and Melinda Gates.

Heck, even in Christiandom, I am witnessing churches obeying government authority, that in many, if not all cases goes directly against the founding documents of the United States of America.

I am disappointed beyond what words can express in that last part there. Grieved beyond belief.

The virus, or sickness is real. However, in my thoughts, this thing will go down as one of the most heinous acts of attempted full on New World Order takeover we have ever seen. In fact, it may indeed be THE most heinous act.

What people will do when afraid amazes me.

BUT, governments can only do what people will LET them do. Particularly here, in America. That’s the entire premise of our founding.

The government can only do what we allow it to do. Period. They can (and will) push us as far as WE LET THEM.

End of story.

So, where are we now?

Well, the photography workshops I had planned in the spring, clearly couldn’t take place.

State governments across the nation continue to keep residents locked up, in their homes, and now, the states who insist on crippling their economy are readily screaming for Federal money because they are running out. So NOW they want the Feds to intervene. Before, “Keep the HELL OUT OF OUR BUSINESS…” Now, “GIVE US MONEY”

Looking ahead, there seems to be a lot of uncertainty for even the fall of this year. If I am to believe what I see and read all over the internet, nothing again will ever be the same. I have contacted the National Parks I frequent and they are all on the fence about how long they will stay closed, and to what degree, when they do open again, they will even allow people to have access.

I am planning to monitor it all, and will act accordingly.

One thing I have decided. I ain’t flying any more.

I hated flying anyway. Security is a nightmare, airports are crowded and noisy. Airplanes are cramped and uncomfortable. And NOW they are all requiring being 6 feet apart in lines and through screening and check out and check in. However, you are left with no option but to sit within mere inches of another human being for what could be hours on end.

Is it me, or is this the epitome of asinine?

Looks like if I am going anywhere, I’ll be driving.

I won’t wear a mask, that’s stupid. Geez, the leaders all screaming that we should wear them, even mandating by edict we must, don’t wear them. That says everything.

Airports were bad enough before. Can you imagine it now, with this 6 foot nonsense?


So we will move ahead, hoping for better days as we meander into the fall season (when, of course, this Virus is supposed to resurface and kill the rest of humanity that it missed the first time around, at least it sure sounds like it according to the news and media outlets).

Yeah, there’s no guessing my feelings on all of this.

But in all, who cares? I’m just a guy with an opinion and an attitude that generally rubs people the wrong way.

rob out

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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.

The View from Wesser Bald


Why I Like Photography In the Wild