Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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Site Overhaul

For some time, I have been struggling trying to decide how and if to keep the “photography” site live.

You see, I don’t want to necessarily be pigeon holed into simply a Photography site.

My life and my vision for what we want to do is more.

Photography, sure. I love that part.

But more, I love the idea of sharing life adventures and all of my Rob/Dad thoughts.

The other day I was moving the solar panel on our Runaway Camper Range Runner and was having a little talk with the Lord about it all.

Having recently sold the flower shop, I have had a ton of time to get ready for our 6 month travel adventure.

I asked the Lord if he had any suggestions on what direction to take the site.

A bit later…I heard “Living with Rob”.

I loved it immediately.


Because it has a double meaning.

1) Living with Rob…you can literally share in my life adventures on the road

2) Living with Rob…through my life and experience, I share stories and advice on how you can Live better.

I had a new logo developed, re-launched the site and we are up and running.

Joelle and I are leaving right after Mother’s Day and will be vlogging our entire trip across America and Canada.

I hope you enjoy it and will follow along.

I appreciate having every one of you on board.

rob out