Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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Mortality is Inevitable

Do you remember that day? I sure as heck do. I’ll get to that photo in a bit. It’s relevant and is at the end.

Folks, let’s talk logic and numbers here for just a minute. I may also take the opportunity to scold my American friends over their mindset related to this Corona Virus theme running world wide. kidding…kind of…

I am going to tell you, that I do not believe in this panic. I mean, I do believe in the panic, for I am seeing it all round me. But I do not believe in the reasons behind it. I have my theories as to why this is happening, but I long, more than anything, to try and get people to back up and THINK for just a moment about all of this.

Reason being, if this continues on it’s current trajectory with regard to the greatest economy in the history of the world (that’s us American friends) we are going to see, what I believe can become extreme levels of hardship.

Our leaders, most of them, on both sides, are all posturing. The recent numbers the White House is throwing out, are, I believe much higher than they need to be, and I believe in large part to be the case so that all concerned in Washington and in your Home State governing bodies can say “Look What We Did to Save your Ass”.


May I share some numbers with you? I do so, again, to perhaps get you to think a little bit about this insanity. (I am reminded right now of the story Dale Carnegie told of an outbreak of a disease in New York when he was young and how the public was consumed by mass hysteria, in spite of the odds being what I am about to demonstrate to you now). In other words, little has changed since the early part of the 1900s….or ever if you believe Solomon.

Here are some numbers for you to review from a website called

This site tracks a LOT of numbers.

Let me share with you the leading causes of death in THE WORLD since January 1 through today, April 1. It’s a running clock, so they go up hourly.

Here are your numbers.

  • Abortions 10,670,947

  • Starvation/Hunger 2,350,000

  • Cancer 2,601,893

  • Smoking 1,255,035

  • Alcohol 627,916

  • HIV/AIDS 422,045

  • Traffic Accidents 338,902

  • Suicides 269,223

  • Malaria 246,261

  • Seasonal Flu 122,064

  • Corona Virus 46,491

Here’s something that really caught my attention.

Most of the larger numbers increased to a greater degree over the past 5 days than this Corona has. Malaria was about the same increase, numbers wise. Yes, I will concede that as a PERCENTAGE the Corona has a higher increase, but, as the cases have gone up, so has the mortality rate as a percentage gone down.

Taking the Abortion number out, for those of my liberal friends, you still have a very large problem when comparing this virus and the panic that has been spread by the media and government entities to the numbers that should also, equally concern us.

Maybe, I will be wrong. Perhaps this will go absolutely crazy, even worse than the 1918 Spanish Flu. Maybe worse than the Black Plagues. I do doubt it, however.

I personally know a few that have had it. It sucks, but they are recovered and fine. But so does the flu suck. So does cancer suck.

My hope is, that when you come out of hiding, our economy can come back. My second hope is, after you come out of hiding, you consider more thoroughly what is important to you. Maybe, but I remain skeptical.

One of the things that troubles me so much is how little people seem to care about what is killing so many others, until such time as it threatens them directly. Then all of the sudden, they “care”.

The hype and reporting on this just doesn’t add up for me. To me, one of two things are possible. Perhaps a little of both.

A) We are being lied to about the seriousness of this by our government. They know something we don’t…like in the Vietnam era.


B)The numbers are being reported extremely high in an attempt to set the government up to be heralded as the savior to us all when they come in much, MUCH lower than initially reported.

Let me leave you with this story from my own life that I can recount on just how little you should be believing the numbers and hype.

In the days following the Trade Towers attack, for a week or better, all of the major news channels, 24 hours a day, were trying to predict numbers as to how many people were killed when they fell. How many dead there were and would be.

I won’t ever forget, night after night, Shep Smith, on Fox News (Yes, all of the networks were doing this) was pushing his numbers. They seemed to go higher every day. First, it was 10,000, then 15,000. It finally topped off at around 50 plus thousand. I don’t remember exactly, but it may have topped 60k as reported.

I remember it so well, because I remember at that time, thinking the same thing I am thinking now. That just can’t be possible. “Mathematically, it just can’t be. “ They are over hyping the numbers to do nothing more than sell news, keep these sheep glued to the TV and computers (phones weren’t in play back then), so they can sell more advertising. The numbers do NOT add up. They can’t. They aren’t “logical” to quote Spock.

History would prove out that the final number would come in under 3,000 people, or 2996, including the terrorist flying the planes.

This story, that I have not forgotten, always comes to me when something comes along that starts the kind of hysteria this recent turn of events has.

One would think more people could stop themselves and recall history.

And this isn’t even beginning to open the can of Y2K that we (most of us) witnessed. Any of my Lansing friends remember the book a local Lansing pastor was selling to save you from the Apocalypse coming, how to live through Y2K from his church pulpit? (I cannot believe that place stayed open after it played out to be a HUGE DUD!)

Ahhh, I digress.

Think on it for a while. Maybe you will feel better. Perhaps a little less afraid. Maybe a little more inclined to get serious about getting back to life.

I am going to now plan my trip to head out west for 11 days to take videos and photos.

Love you guys.