Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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Hiking with A Hot Chick

Time together is important. Very important. More and more I am coming to realize that it’s crucial to spend time with those you love.

Too many of us are making the mistake of doing way too much.

Just today I was considering how much life has given me to be grateful for.

I considered the work I do. I am in the flower business and get the opportunity to work with some of the most beautiful, happy inducing things in the world. Flowers.

On top of that, while the photography I do no longer is something I do for income, I am able to hike and see things that many never take or make the time to do. The way my eyes see the world and see the landscape is different from most. As such, whenever I take my camera on trail and get the opportunity to capture a moment in time I am able to share the beauty as I am seeing it with others.

Given my health, I am able to get to places, hike to vistas that a lot of people can’t get to. I get to share that with the world and I don’t take it lightly. I find it to be an extremely valuable gift. A gift I enjoy sharing with the world.

The video in this post is from our second day at Capitol Reef. We had to take a side trip here because of all the smoke in the Teton region.

We did not regret this trip.

On the second day, I was able to capture 2, beautiful images (I’ll share them in the post here). BUT, you might want to take a moment and watch the video. The video shows you exactly how I was able to grab the shots.

Joelle and I had some spare time this day in the late morning after the sunrise shot. We did some drone video and then decided to hike the Golden Throne.

Joelle was a little under watered (dehydrated) and she paid for it big time on the trail. It only got up to the low 80s, but it was dry. She ended up pretty sick. So much so I thought I might have to carry her back.

However, it ended A-Ok, all things considered.

The morning of this hike gave me an opportunity to really stretch myself to get a few shots, but I did, and it was awesome.

Spending time with Joelle, my Hot Chick on the trail is always fun. In fact, it is one of my utmost favorite things in life.


I hope you’ll take the time to view this video….and maybe share it with your friends.

I appreciate you!

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PS If you haven’t seen this video from our first day at Capitol Reef, it might be worth a watch.

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