Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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Hiking With a Friend

While on my recent trip, I spent a few days with my long lost cousin, Todd. (Call him Jon if you aren’t family…or you may come to regret it) We hadn’t seen each other for a number of years. However, I was making my way thru Flagstaff, the town in which he currently resides.

A more entertaining story teller I have never known. Few can captivate a room with their stories like Todd when he let’s his guard down.

In my public speaking, when I have been given the opportunity, I have often thought of and been inspired by Todd’s gift in this regard. It really has made me a better speaker when opportunity has knocked. 100%

We did hike his favorite trail/mountain 3 of the 5 days I was there. We had a great time catching up, hanging around, and just enjoying the early summer days of Flagstaff.

I did decide to spend one of the hikes making a video, if nothing more than so I would have some current video of he and I. (we ain’t getting any younger)

Sadly, I have lost all of the water ski video he and I filmed in our early 20’s. Those were some crazy videos (Remember VHS anyone?)

Watching Todd flail around after falling while skiing as the boat dragged him like a dying fish is a sight to behold. He simply refused to believe he had fallen and would stubbornly hold onto the rope instead, bouncing and heaving off the water only to smack back down on it…over and over.

His drive and determination has always been a real inspiration.

He taught me in our friendship that with the right combination of both…just about anything could be possible.

I always loved the Ultimate Warrior in wrestling…back in the day.

Whenever I watched him sprint to the ring in his time in the WWE, I always, and I mean ALWAYS thought of my cousin Todd.

For if Todd were a “pro” wrestler, he would be an Ultimate Warrior or a Bill Goldberg. (Check out the Ultimate Warrior video below my video…you’ll see what any of us who know him personally see in him…if you know him at all…you will be reminded of Todd’s God given level of intensity) The crowd would love him equally, I am sure.

There are a lot of people who admire Todd. It’s hard not to.

Enjoy the vids.

See you next week.

rob out

PS Todd, if you are reading this…you can do it. Just sayin’.