Feeling Really Antsy

Well, we just finished Valentine’s Day in the flower shop. Now, we have nothing going on for a number of weeks. That’s the business though. We do a tremendous volume for a period of only a few days, and then…nothin’! Alas, that’s the way it rolls.

I have been looking at airline tickets constantly. I have a few places I would really like to get to so that I might do a little photography. So many places that I want to head out to photograph.

I wasn’t really thrilled with the last trip I took to Death Valley. The friend that I took with me was less than fun to hang out with during that time. He was and has been having a heck of a time with life. Struggles with depression a lot, and this bled over into the trip. It was a drag.

I’ve thought a little about heading to Joshua Tree again, but I have been there a lot. I kind of would like to do something new, but am not sure what that really might look like.

My son is in San Antonio with the Air Force, so I thought perhaps a trip to Big Bend might be in order. I’d enjoy some dark sky photography. Big Bend National Park has some of the absolute darkest skies in the country.

Yet, from what I am able to see looking up Big Bend on line, it does seem pretty drab-ish. So I don’t really know.

It’s still too cold in March to head to any of the Mountain Ranges I want to hit this year.

When I went to the Canyonlands area last September, I didn’t really get to make the photographs I wanted to hit while I was out there. I thought that a great shot of the Milky Way over Delicate Arch would be pretty special. Time didn’t work in my favor when we were out there, due to the impending doom the hurricane bearing down on Florida was said to be bringing. All of which was a complete and utter joke. Came home early for nothing.

However, had I not, well, hard telling.

I want to make some videos as well, and it’s so great out there. It’s perfect to do that.

Well, I don’t know. These are my thoughts.

Sometimes, you just gotta do, though.

Soon enough I will head somewhere. Even if it’s just for a few days. I will get on the trail and make a video or two. I will get a few photos.

It will be special.

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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.


Milky Way over Tahquamenon Falls In The Michigan Upper Peninsula


Free Tip: My Top 3 Sunrise Photo Spots in Great Smoky Mountain National Park