Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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What if we Pushed Jesus like they Push the Virus?

I was thinking this morning as I watched every TV in the gym blaring Covid Propaganda and Fear Mongering.

I wonder what would happen if the message changed to You need Jesus Christ.

Watching this madness it has become clear to me why the "Turn and Burn" philosophy was effective years ago.

Of course, I am not a proponent of that fear or that type of evangelism. But hey, if it gets them to Jesus....

Maybe if they began to theorize on what it will be like here when the accounting in Revelation kicks in full gear...and show that 24/7 on the TV and you think more would get to know Jesus?

Just wondering.

"Get your Vaccine today, it's free, and you are guaranteed to live forever, just accept Jesus Christ as your savior, no needles required."