Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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Road Trip for Landscape Photography

Well, I’m back.

For the past month, I was on the road for this website and the Youtube channel. My wife and I started driving over Labor day weekend in the Dodge Van build for our September 2020 Roadtrip.

For a time, I have been trying to build a Youtube channel with the purpose of sharing photography instruction and advice as well as hiking advice.

I bought a Mavic Mini Drone some time back to begin to add drone footage to the videos that I create. I’ll post on a different day, my experiences flying a drone and the troubles it bring.

In any event, we had a great time traveling on this trip and using the van build very seriously for the first time.

Yes, I have tested it for my Landscape photography a little in the Pisgah National Forest. This, however, was totally different.

We spent the first two days driving…just driving. 12-13 hours each day, logging a bit over 800 miles for each day.

Podcasts, news talk, Bible studies. It was productive and time passed pretty darn quickly all things considered.

If you know me at all, you know I don’t like to sit for long. So sitting in a van, driving for hours on end really lacks appeal

We drove through Georgia, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota before we hit our first stop in Badlands National Park.

From there, Yellowstone, but not before seeing the Great American Mount Rushmore.

We were going to hit the Grand Teton National Park. A photography dreamscape. But the smoke from the California Fires and the unbelievable glut of people from California turned us off to that. Instead we headed WAY south and ended up at Capital Reef National Park, driving through the Snake River Canyon. (That canyon was a beautiful Drive)

After a few days here, I dropped Joelle off and Picked up Ed in Salt Lake.

Ed and I headed back south to Bryce, Red Rock Canyon (wow) Zion, Vermillion Cliffs, Horseshoe Bend, Monument Valley and finally Natural Bridges National Monument.

From there, he and I headed back across the landscape and arrived just recently back in Florida.

I should have taken a few more weeks to make the trip. I only took 3. That’s one thing I would do differently.

In the coming weeks, you will begin to see videos on my Youtube channel from this trip. I have a ton of footage to edit, and a lot of photos to plow through to get them posted. As I do, you will be sure to know about it.

I’m anxious to share.

Have to head to Michigan in a bit for a few days, but once I get back I’ll hit it full throttle.

Until then, rob out