Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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Photography 101 Workshop And Wine

Do you have a DSLR camera and find yourself incredibly FRUSTRATED at how to use it?

Are you frustrated with all the buttons?

Don't know what you should be and shouldn't be doing?

Have you given up trying to use and understand it, feeling guilty for having wasted the money?

Do you wonder why what you are seeing isn't coming up on the screen when you go to view it on your computer?

I am here to help you!

Won't you consider joining my wife Joelle and I for a fun evening with wine, treats, and laughter as I walk you through the basics of understanding your camera and how to shoot photos.

Please come and participate in this engaging presentation, hosted by us in the comfortable environment of our flower shop on Broadway in downtown Kissimmee.

We will spend the first hour or so going over a presentation that will help you get a basic understanding of your camera and what all the buttons and numbers mean.

Then, we will have a question and answer session followed by a break.

Once we are completed with the break we will head out to Lakefront Park in Kissimmee to put some practice to what you were taught during the presentation.

You will leave with a much more clear understanding as to how your camera works and in so doing, you will gain more confidence in your photography.

It will help you get the shots you want and hope to attain. Whether that be in photographing your kids or grandkids, or those beautiful Florida Sunsets sunsets.

This class is a base to use for entering into our more advanced classes.

It is limited to only 12 people so that we can give you all the attention you need. Bring a Friend Discount is available for this event at your checkout.

Please join us for an afternoon of great fun.

What will You Learn?

-What the numbers on your lens mean

-What each button on your camera does

-How to shoot fully manual

-How to get a blurry background and why it's important

-How to stop a humming birds wings in mid flight in your photo

-What the shooting modes on your camera mean and do

-The differences in various lens classes

And so much more.

What Do you Need to Bring?

-A DSLR Camera (not a point and shoot or a cell phone)

-At least one lens if you have interchangeable lenses

-Batteries for your Camera

-2 memory cards for your camera

-Optional is a Tripod for when we begin shooting

When you leave you will receive a free gift from Joelle and I along with notes from the class so you can refer to them once you are in the field.

So what are you waiting for? We would love to host you for this exciting time.

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