Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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Fun Marxian Fact for Today

Fun Marxian Fact For Today

You know that Corona Virus that is killing off mankind, you know, the one that the various governing authorities can't seem to make up their mind on how to exploit next?

Yeah, that one!

You know how you get your unemployment from the state you live in? Even some federal money too?

You get paid for doing nothing and staying home? (see my previous post on unemployment)

The business that is closed by government mandate is owned by someone.

You know, the business you worked for that is now forcibly closed unable to open or face fines or restrictions, that one?

The owner of the business doesn't get the same benefits you do. They do not get unemployment benefits.

Nope, they don't. That's right.

The people (we business owners) who are forced to pay into the unemployment system are not allowed to draw against it, ever, for any reason. Including when the Despots shut us down forcibly by their tyrannically mandates.

And this is how Marxism works.

Destroy the free market (see above), the evil Capitalists, and replace them with government funded programs.

Trouble is, none of you supporting Socialism and Marxism seem to understand the flaws here . When the Capitalists are gone, because the government destroys them, there's no more money coming into the system that you willingly draw from while you sit at home not working.

You are watching, right before your eyes, Marxist style despots using a virus, being hyped up to the 100th power, to rationalize the random destruction of your businesses.

When they are gone, as many are, and the lists continue to grow, money will become less in supply.

Honestly, you are a fool to support this if you do.

Then what?